December 31, 2022

Our ship docked in Puntarenas, the primary port city on the Pacific side of Costa Rica.

Costa Rica is a small country, about the size of Switzerland with a population of about 5.2 million people.  It has a long standing and stable democracy and according to the World Happiness Report is the 12th happiest nation in the world!  Costa Rica abolished their military in 1949 and is one of a few countries in the world that doesn't have a standing army.

A bus took us from Puntarenas up, up into a rain forest in near-by mountains where a guide led us on a walk through the forest(jungle) and across hanging bridges, one of which was said to be the longest in Costa Rica.   We lucked out with the weather as it was mostly sunny.   Most days rain, drizzle or mist is the order of the day.  We saw howler monkeys, beautiful birds, a mean-looking tarantula and lush vegetation of all kinds.   After the walk we boarded a tram that took us higher into the mountains where we could look back at the ocean and inland to an inactive volcano.   Unfortunately, by the time we got to the observation platform the clouds had started pouring in and we couldn't actually see the volcano.  We saw other wildlife, though, including crazy zip-liners flying through the trees.  

Costa Rica is a beautiful, peaceful country, a place we'd like to return to and explore.  

This will probably be our last post for a few days.   We will dock in Cabo San Lucas in a couple of days, but we have to say in our room.   Despite all the vaccines, boosters and precautions, Vera managed to catch Covid.   As a result, both of us are quarantined to our room for the next 4 days.   With room service and all the attention from the staff, its about as pleasant of a prison sentence one could get.     

                                            The peer where our ship docked

                                     Longest hanging bridge in Costa Rica - about 100ft above ground

                                                       Guess who?

                    Mr Tarantula in his cave.   Guide said, unlike TX tarantulas, these are poisonous, but not fatal

                                              The clouds roll in

                 His and Hers restrooms in restaurant where we had lunch - interesting way to designate.


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